Monday, June 1, 2009

oOoOOooo Beatles Rock Band Trailer

So this looks way better than I thought. It's looking like we're going to be able to play as the Beatles throughout their career, starting in the Cavern and ending on the roof top. It also looks like there are 3 vocal tracks, meaning that we'll have the opportunity to harmonize. OoOOOoOoOoOoo. But I think I'm most psyched to play as Paul with his Let It Be beard. Can't wait for this shit:

Also, check out the latest edition of Gamer Weekly. I'm on the cover along with my many Championship Gamer trophies.


Leggidan said...

OoOoOOooOOo looks fab!

Anonymous said...

i wanna be amazing on the drums.

daniel said...

when are you coming back to toronto? i need more sobrassada.