Are you fuckin kidding me?!?!? After a string of losing seasons, this year being the worst in recent memory, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment find it fitting to increase ticket prices. You have got to be out of your mind. Who is in charge there? Bizzaro Superman? How can they justify an increase when you haven't made the playoffs in 4 straight seasons?
But I guess I can't blame those dipshits in charge, because Leaf fans are the biggest lot of mindless retards ever. Every day I'm coming closer to turning my back on this team. Scoff if you'd like, but I have never witnessed an organization go out of their way so much to alienate their fans: first, just a terrible team. No one can argue with that. Second, Leafs TV. Are you serious? Now I have to pay to watch them from home. And lastly, increased ticket prices on almost a yearly basis. This year an increase of 3.5% across the board while a majority of other teams are either freezing ticket prices or lowering them. Thank god we're in an "Economic Crisis" otherwise who knows what the increase would have been.
I just want to extend my thanks to an organization that makes me want to vomit on a consistent basis. Whoever reads this, do me a favor and spit on the ACC or The Maple Leafs emblem next time you see it (but not my hat...not when I'm wearing it at least). Just wait until a few months before next season, when we hear about Leafs TV adding more 'EXCLUSIVE GAMES". That doesn't mean the game is any better on Leafs TV, no, just more cash out of your pocket.
Yours Truly,
Penniless Leaf Fan