Saturday, February 21, 2009



Anonymous said...

This is a tough call. White is nicer but you'll be worried about it getting dirty. i have a white jacket and it makes me paranoid when i go out with it. the black is safer but not as cool. also the black one doesnt stand out as much so, if your not the type who likes to get noticed everywhere he goes, then black is the one to go with. white stands out too much for me. lastly, you should buy the Juve one.

daniel said...

lastly, you should buy the Juve one.

hahaha everything else was really insightful.

Anonymous said...

lets rematch

daniel said...

i cant now, im not home. we will though. did you accept the league invite we sent you?

Anonymous said...

i didnt see it. ill check

Anonymous said...

no invite