Sunday, October 7, 2007

More Childs

Now I knew this would happen so here is the second post of Childs Revealed, "More Childs." This post is due mainly to the difference in opinion of us childs, and our likness in certain pictures. So now, underneath each picture is who it is and who drew it. We all drew each other and ourselves so we should have no problem anymore. Somehow I doubt it.

(By: Lead)

(By: Panda)
(By: Panda)

Panda sans Hat (Rare)
(By: Lead)

(By: Panda)
(By: Alex)

This should alleviate any discrepancies we had. Now, if anyone reads this blog, please tell us which of the South Park drawings of us look best in your opinion. Lastly if you wanna kill time and make a South Park character of yourself or your pals, go to the SP-Studio, as Panda made reference to earlier.

OK everyone, bye byes for now



panda said...

i made a sweet batman.

Anonymous said...

"Panda sans Hat" by Lead is easily the funniest one of the bunch.
"Alex" by Panda just looks like Ugene Levy...

Lead said...

But Leggi, which looks the best? Which best depicts our characteristics?

Also, did you post as Danzoid somewhere?

Bye bye