Tuesday, December 15, 2009

You Know Who Sucks?

You know who sucks? Mr T sucks.
I have a genuine distaste for Mr T.
Over the years he has become such a huge douchebag that I don't even know who to compare him to.
Now this son of a bitch has his own Mr T cooking machine or something.
Just cause Foreman that retard did it, doesn't mean another borderline retard can do it too.
Fuck You Mr T.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


New Devendra Banhart EP - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=89NEY7KH
Album out October 27.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AMC takes on Walking Dead

Looks like AMC is going to do it again. First Mad Men (halfway through season one and it's fuckin' super duper), then Breaking Bad, and now The Walking Dead! Apparently, the dude who directed The Shawshank Redemption, and the awful The Green Mile and The Majestic is developing the series for AMC. I'm worried that this Darabont fellow isn't the right dude for this job (his films lack the grit, and gore, and fucking insanity that Walking Dead will need) but if he surrounds himself with the right people and stays true to the comic then this has potential to be everything that the god-awful True Blood isn't. I hope they don't fuck this up because we always said that the comics would make a wicked television series. Now we'll know for sure...

anyway, AMC is the place to be just in case you don't know it yet...

Friday, July 31, 2009

breaking bad

currently watching season two and i can safely say this is the best thing on TV (by a lot) and the best show i've seen since the wire. so good. check it out.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dan Auerbach - Keep it Hid

Dan Auerbach's first solo release "Keep it Hid" isn't worlds apart from his work with bandmate Patrick Carney on many Black Keys Albums, but has something extra that makes it stand out. Receiving mixed reviews, I give full praise to Keep It Hid" for its bluesy sound and feel, which works well with Auerbach's raspy voice. Songs to keep an ear out for, in my opinion, are: Whispered Words, I want Some More, Mean Monsoon, and When I Left The Room. If you like The Black Keys, their sound and style, if you lean towards a more rock/blues sound rather than pop, and songs with good lyrics, check out Keep it Hid.

Me - 4.5/5
NOW Magazine - 5/5
The Onion - 4.5/5
Billboard - 4/5
Spin - 3.5/5
Pitchfork - 3/5

The last two are a little harsh I think. Enjoy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009


saw this poster and was immediately interested. watched the trailer and wasn't blown away but it looked good enough to check out. a couple of warning signs, though: its similarities to 2001 worry me and so does the prospect of having to sit through 2hrs of kevin spacey doing a shitty HAL impression. also, the guy who directed it looks like a bit of a doucher despite being david bowie's son. watch the trailer:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

this is cool

sweet electronic jam from a little cute girl

Friday, July 10, 2009

a goat yelling like a man

this made me laugh a lot:

Monday, July 6, 2009

zombie heaven

On a big Zombies kick right now. Can't stop listening to this song which is included in disc 1 below. Pretty radass boxset:

The Zombies - Zombie Heaven (discs 1-4)





Sunday, July 5, 2009

Watchmen 5-disk Limited Edition DVD coming out in December 2009 (which will only be available to buy up until 6/2010). This dvd includes the cut of the movie with the Black Freighter/Hollis Mason stuff mixed in and I think it said with even more footage. It's also going to include Zach Snyder & Dave Gibbons commentary. And it's also going to include the Motion Comic DVD. I'm assuming it's going to include the theatrical cut too.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

TV On The Radio

TV On The Radio - June 6th 2009 - Sound Academy

Sounds Fantastic right?
This was the second time that I've seen TVOTR. The first was on their tour for their previous album "Return to Cookie Mountain" at The Warehouse (Kool Haus). Now if I were to compare albums, this years "Dear Science" to 2006's "Return to Cookie Mountain", I think I would have to say that TVOTR followed up an unreal album with another unreal album. Both albums, in my opinion, get a 10+, however I can't say the same for the concert.

The 2006 tour at the Warehouse was awesome. The band came out and kicked ass for nearly 2 hours. The concert left nothing to be desired. Decent venue + great band + awesome energy + great crowd = Fun had by all. I expected, (and maybe thats my fault for having expectations) the band to come out and outdo the last show. I was wrong.

Jane Stevenson from the Toronto Sun says it best, "They had us at hello. And then it went downhill, at least initially, from there." The only part I disagree with was "initially". Don't get me wrong, I love this band. They are probably one of my favourite bands, but last night, they didn't have the chance to show the crowd at Sound Academy just how good they really are. The sound was dog shit, and it always is at Sound Academy. The crowd was dog shit...for the most part. Maybe it was because of the sound? I don't know. And lastly the band. Nearing the end of the set we heard Adebimpe say something to the effect of, Is it because its a school night? And I can only hope thats why, however lame an excuse that is to begin with. The band just didn't have the explosive night I thought they should have, and the crowds response to the band was lacking.

Maybe it was the shitty venue (I hate Sound Academy), maybe it was the fact the concert was held on a Tuesday night which may explains the lame bunch that showed up to the show (I really think people should listen to the band and like them before showing up to a show and sucking the life out of it because they don't recognize a single song), whatever it was, most left a little sour and feeling like there was something missing. There was: Atmosphere, sound and an energized band and a crowd who wanted to be there.

2009 Concert - 3/5
2006/07 Concert - 8.5/10
Return To Cookie Mountain - 10+
Dear Science - 10+
Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes - 8
OK Calculator - 6

Monday, June 1, 2009

oOoOOooo Beatles Rock Band Trailer

So this looks way better than I thought. It's looking like we're going to be able to play as the Beatles throughout their career, starting in the Cavern and ending on the roof top. It also looks like there are 3 vocal tracks, meaning that we'll have the opportunity to harmonize. OoOOOoOoOoOoo. But I think I'm most psyched to play as Paul with his Let It Be beard. Can't wait for this shit:

Also, check out the latest edition of Gamer Weekly. I'm on the cover along with my many Championship Gamer trophies.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Grosso - Cannavaro - Chiellini - Motta
Gattuso - De Rossi - Pirlo - Camoranesi
Di Natale - Rossi

i guess...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

team canada, vancouver 2010

more or less.

Sidney Crosby - Vincent Lecavalier - Jarome Iginla (C)
Dany Heatley - Ryan Getzlaf - Rick Nash
Simon Gagne (A) - Joe Thornton - Eric Staal
Jeff Carter - Mike Richards - Shane Doan
Marc Savard

Jay Bouwmeester - Scott Neidermayer (A)
Dion Phaneuf - Shea Weber
Mike Green - Dan Boyle
Chris Pronger

Roberto Luongo
Martin Brodeur
Cam Ward

Solid team but still not as good as Gerry Dee's.
Team B:
Patrick Marleau (A) - Jason Spezza - Corey Perry
Mike Cammalleri - Johnathan Toews - Martin St.Loius
Brad Boyes - Derek Roy - Patrick Sharp
Daniel Briere - Brendan Morrow (C) - Mike Ribeiro
Alex Tanguay

Robyn Regehr (A) - Brent Burns
Brent Seabrook - Cam Barker
Duncan Keith -
Brian Campbell
ennis Wideman

Marc-Andre Fluery
Chris Mason
Carey Price

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Funny 'Shit'

Apparently this is no secret, but this site was new to me and I was pissing myself laughing today. The site is called FMyLife
Its just a barrage of stories (some of which must be made up) detailing how shitty their lives are.

Here are a few snipits:

Today, I was eating at a restaurant patio with a few friends. After the waitress cleaned up our table there was a drop of MAYO on the table. I wiped it with my finger and licked it. It wasn’t mayo, it was bird shit. FML

Today, I got into my driving instructors car for my first lesson. He looked at me, then said, "I'm sorry, but I wasn't told about your disabilities, what do you have?" I'm not disabled. FML

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. I really get off on hearing her say my name so I was imagining her doing so more often than she actually was. I then proceeded to call out my own name on accident. FML



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Animal Theme

Since Daniel is on an animal theme (tiger, Charles Barkley, etc), I figure I'll run with it too.
This made me laugh when I saw it. I'm sure most of you have seen it too.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Calgary Flames 2008-2009: Post Mortem

they played shit and deserved to lose, but ultimately, injuries were their undoing. list of injuries:

our 4 best d-men either didn't play or played hurt. do that to chicago and they get smoked. same goes for our second line. no wonder they were awful.

thoughts on players:

Jarome Iginla: taking so much unwarranted heat. sure, he was average in games 1-4 and plain bad in games 5 and 6, but they way some people are throwing this guy under the bus is unreal. it's not his fault they got booted. he had another very good season and is the heart and soul of this team. anyone suggesting that the flames need to move him is seriously retarded. don't forget that he'll be canada's captain in vancouver next year, so just shut up.

Miikka Kiprusoff: again, taking so much misplaced blame. watch the goals, especially in game 6, and tell me they're his fault. he had 45 fuckin wins this year. this team is nowhere without him. get some D around the guy and he'll be back in vezina contention. not the problem.

Olli Jokinen: didn't play well, but taking too much blame. i'm not thrilled that he'll earn over $5mil next year but that's not his fault. he's a solid first-line center and that's what the flames have been after for years. i expect him to be solid next season. he deserves more time to prove himself.

Dion Phanuef: after a very patchy season i was pretty pleased with his playoff performance. i thought he stepped up and carried the majority of the load with regehr out. he'll bounce back with a big year next season. remember, he's only 23.

Robyn Regehr: his injury was probably the main reason why the flames went nowhere in the playoffs. easily our best defenceman and third most important player after iggy and miikka. nobody seemed to acknowledge this fact. the team was doomed without him.

Mike Cammalleri: over-achieved this season and was a huge success story. i like him BUT he was absolutely invisible in the playoffs. just terrible. his contract is up and, thankfully, the flames won't be able to afford him. someone will pay him $4+mil and this season will remain his career high. you'll see.

Todd Bertuzzi: way too inconsistent to deserve a re-signing. it's a shame too, because he can be so good at times.

Conroy, Bourque, Langkow: courageous in the playoffs, all played hurt. bourque is vitally important to the future of this team and conroy and langkow are necessary veterans.

Mike Keenan: hope he's fired but it's unlikely.

Game 6: Flames 1, Hawks 4

garbage. big changes this off season. i'll vent here when i'm a little bit more calm.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Game 5: Flames 1, Hawks 5

well, that should do it. too inconsistent and too injured. plus, coming off a really really terrible performance, there's not much to look forward to in game 6. there isn't a team in these playoffs who can let in goals in bunches like the flames. if this kind of shit happened in a video game the game would be criticized for being too unrealistic. it's unbelievable. i can't say i'm that surprised though, i was pretty much expecting the series to play out exactly the way it has been.

game 6 monday at 9:30 in calgary.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Game 4: Flames 6, Hawks 4

season saving win. i'm glad that the flames are playing a team young and stupid enough to piss off jarome iginla. what a bunch of knuckle-heads. when he's mad he just wills his team to win. it's unreal. huge games from olli and nystrom as well. injuries to conroy, langkow, and bourque are cause for concern however, but i'm just happy to be even right now. it's best of 5 now and i'm predicting the winner on saturday will take the series in 7. that's usually the way it goes.

game 5: saturday night at 9pm from chicago. everyone should watch, it's the best series of the playoffs by miles.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Game 3: Flames 4, Hawks 2

well, if they were going to win a game it was going to be game 3. still miles to go so i'm not going to get ahead of myself. one thing i will say is the blackhawks deserve robyn regehr. win or lose, i really hope he can come back soon to hurt some of these hacks.

TSN has game 4 tomorrow night in calgary at 10pm.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Game 2: Flames 2, Hawks 3

see last post. how can an entire season culminate with such terrible performances? let's get this over with.

game 3 tonight in calgary.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Game 1: Flames 2, Hawks 3 - OT

if i'm anything as a hockey fan, it's loyal. i've loved the calgary flames for as long as i've loved hockey and i've stuck with them through thick and thin, including the 7 year playoff drought. so when i say that i think they're finished this year, it's not due to my wavering support of the club, it's because they're simply not that good. game 1 against the hawks was evidence of that. it's not that they lost, but how they lost. with a 2-1 lead in the third they simply sat back and stopped attacking, allowing the hawks to come in waves. why this happens in any sport i'll never understand (see italian national team). so it didn't really matter that Havlat's OT winner was clearly goalie interference because the flames had already been beaten. i have little belief that they'll be able to avoid yet another first-round exit, but that doesn't mean i'll stop watching. and it doesn't mean i'll stop hoping.

game 2 goes tonight at 9 in chicago.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

playoff prediction, revised


1st round:
1. Boston def 8. Montreal in 5
2. Washington def 7. NY Rangers in 6
3. New Jersey def 6. Carolina in 6
4. Pittsburgh def 5. Philadelphia in 6

2nd round:
4. Pittsburgh def 1. Boston in 6
3. New Jersey def 2. Washington in 7

East Final:
3. New Jersey def 4. Pittsburgh in 7


1st round:
1. San Jose def 8. Anaheim in 6
2. Detroit def 7. Columbus in 4
3. Vancouver def 6. St.Louis in 5
5. Calgary def 4. Chicago in 7

2nd round:
1. San Jose def 5. Calgary in 6
2. Detroit def 3. Vancouver in 7

West Final:
2. Detroit def 1. San Jose in 6

2. Detroit def 3. New Jersey in 7

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009


alabama hot pocket - This refers to the act of defecating in a woman’s vagina followed by straight sex.

Monday, March 16, 2009


this looks entertaining:

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Dick Broom
: A big bushy mustache long enough to sweep clean any penis that is inserted in the man’s mouth sporting the dick broom.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Counterpoint: The Host (2006)

We here at Granny Diner rarely disagree, but when we do we subject everyone around us to an unending argument where opinions rarely shift. Today's point of contention, the South Korean-produced monster movie The Host:


For the most part, monster movies suck. The monsters are lame, the plots are predictable and the characters are boring. I'll admit that. But The Host isn't a typical monster movie. Sure, the monster was a bit goofy looking and the plot was hardly perfect, but where The Host differs from most other films like it is in its odd characters, tone and atmosphere.

First, I liked how the director didn't force the viewer to sit through half of the movie catching only brief glimpses of the monster in half-light waiting for it to finally be revealed in an underwhelming moment of banality. In The Host, we see the monster very early in the film, and in broad daylight! All of it! Not just it's tail, or eye, or tooth, but all of it! And the scene rules because of it.

All of the scenes that include the monster are cool, but I really didn't expect the most interesting part of this movie to be the cast of characters. Usually, characters in these types of films are comprised of really good looking actors intended to be eaten by a stupid monster in very predictable ways. Nothing like that exists in this movie.

The main character, a single dad who's a bit of a fuck up, spends the majority of the movie looking for his daughter who was snatched up at the start of the film by a giant fish-creature. Along with him is his oddball family and most of the time I didn't know whether to laugh at them or feel bad for them. They are not heroes, but they try. Despite all their flaws and mistakes, they are likable characters and I found that I cared about them. So in the end, this is a movie about a family as much as it is a movie about a giant mutated fish. It's not perfect, but it's still the best film I've seen in it's genre. Recommended.

I'd have to agree with the opening statement Daniel makes, for the most part, monster movies DO suck, and The Host was no exception. Gimme a fuckin break, the movie, cast of characters and all, were horrible. I guess I can see how its nice to watch this loser family run around looking for their missing family member, only to know it isn't going to end well.

And how the hell did 2 children survive the attacks of this monster? It killed everyone. Grown men and women, fit people from the army, but these two children are the ones that survive. Oh yeah.

The monster was cool, and it was great that you got to see it and blah, blah, blah, but what a lame origin for the monster. The stupid scientist apprentice contaminates the river by dumping all sorts of chemicals , because his dimwit 'evil' boss tells him too. Gimme a break. Anyway, other than The Host giving the audience the monster, there isn't much else drawing anyone to this film, particularly the dimwit family that Daniel 'cares' about. They sucked.

This movie gets 2.5 middle fingers out of 5.


The first ten minutes:

You decide.

Monday, March 2, 2009

roma gets fucked; iggy passes theo; jersey wins cup

roma 3 - inter 3. i'll never get used to diving in soccer. balotelli's flop ruined a perfectly entertaining game and robbed roma of a much deserved win over (arguably) the best team in europe. after getting thoroughly outplayed in the first half inter did well to control the pace of the second, it's just a shame that they tipped the balance of the game on a dishonest play. very frustrating. and mourinho is a scumbag.


my favourite blooper ever:

jarome iginla passed theo fluery as the flames' all-time leading point scorer with his 831st point last night. he had 5 points in an, uh, 8-6 loss. being a lifelong theo fluery fan i can honestly say that there is no other player i'd rather see break his record than iggy. he's just the best fuckin' captain (and player) they've ever had. after wayne, there is no other athlete i've ever loved more. can't wait for his 1,000th.

wicked ass

the future:
the 2008-2009 stanley cup playoffs according to me (because i'm not wrong often enough already).


1st round:
1-boston def 8-buffalo in 5
2-new jersey def 7-pittsburgh in 4
3-washington def 6-rangers in 5
4-philadelphia def 5-montreal in 7

2nd round:
4-philadelphia def 1-boston in 7
2-new jersey def 3-washington in 5

conference final:
2-new jersey def 4-philadelphia in 6


1st round:
1-san jose def 8-edmonton in 4
2-detroit def 7-minnesota in 5
3-calgary def 6-columbus in 6
5-vancouver def 4-chicago in 6

2nd round:
5-vancouver def 1-san jose in 6
2-detroit def 3-calgary in 6

conference final:
5-vancouver def 2-detroit in 7

stanley cup final:
2-new jersey def 5-vancouver in 7

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Alright, so I guess I'll look like th bad guy once more. What's the deal with Don Cherry? Why does everyone in Canada (seemingly) like this racist, ignorant, bigot? Think I'm being harsh?

Ignorant - uninformed; unaware
Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Racist - a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

All 3 definitions are accurate when describing this man. Before everyone starts losing it and telling me I'm the idiot because Don Cherry knows a great deal about hockey. Fine. I'll admit that, he knows a great deal about the sport of hockey. Fair? What gets me are his comments made on a weekly basis just bashing players, countries, and a players heart. I was watching the game tonight (and going back to my previous post, it was on CBC, so I watch it and happily support my team) and I cringed when the buzzer for the first period rang, because I knew I had to hear that loud mouth. As I was watching this senile old man, I was speaking with Daniel and we (I'm taking it upon myself to lump you in here pal) were shocked at the bile he spews on television. This guy went off on Alexander Ovechkin, arguably the best player we have today, because he celebrates too much. Are you serious? Just because this player is so into the game, and puts himself into it so much and celebrates after a goal is no reason to criticize him. You should praise this guy for adding action and excitement to game that is dying more and more everyday for fans and revenues. Then he goes on to say (I'm paraphrasing here) that people like Ovechkin are making hockey ridiculous just like those soccer players do, and he went on to show clips comparing soccer player goal celebrations going on to how ridiculous it is. Now, its fair to have an opinion and I am in no way saying he shouldn't have one, but to follow those comments up with phrases like, well look at him dancing around. One of these days someone is gonna get really upset and go after him, and he deserves it. Kids don't play like that. He followed up coverage on the BEST PLAYER IN THE NHL with highlights of Jason Strudwick. Are you high Don? You can't begin to compare players of that caliber to players like Ovechkin just because they are Canadian and they don't wear visors. Gimme a break.

Not one person who is familiar with Don Cherry and Coach's Corner can say this man isn't a racist. He bashes foreign players at every turn, refuses to take the time to give these HUMAN BEINGS the courtesy of properly pronouncing their names, and ridicules an entire continent for what he claims is bad hockey. How is this guy on tv? Anyone else would be dubbed a racist, a bigot and ignorant but this dimwit is named #7 on CBC's list of greatest Canadians. This is a man who the people of Toronto and Canada, ran aid when the CBC did not want to renew his contract, this is a man when speaking about Russians is quoted saying "They suck. They always sucked." This is a man, who parents around the country let their children watch and listen to and tell them he is a 'good' Canadian. This man should be on the list of Greatest Canadian Jokes. The more I see him and listen to the nonsense he spews out to millions of Canadians, the more I think of that ignorant, right winged, war totting dipshit Bill O'Reilly and how alike they are. Hey Don and Bill, just cause you both yell to the point that your voice is horse doesn't mean your right.

OK, let the bashing begin.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Are you fuckin kidding me?!?!? After a string of losing seasons, this year being the worst in recent memory, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment find it fitting to increase ticket prices. You have got to be out of your mind. Who is in charge there? Bizzaro Superman? How can they justify an increase when you haven't made the playoffs in 4 straight seasons?

But I guess I can't blame those dipshits in charge, because Leaf fans are the biggest lot of mindless retards ever. Every day I'm coming closer to turning my back on this team. Scoff if you'd like, but I have never witnessed an organization go out of their way so much to alienate their fans: first, just a terrible team. No one can argue with that. Second, Leafs TV. Are you serious? Now I have to pay to watch them from home. And lastly, increased ticket prices on almost a yearly basis. This year an increase of 3.5% across the board while a majority of other teams are either freezing ticket prices or lowering them. Thank god we're in an "Economic Crisis" otherwise who knows what the increase would have been.

I just want to extend my thanks to an organization that makes me want to vomit on a consistent basis. Whoever reads this, do me a favor and spit on the ACC or The Maple Leafs emblem next time you see it (but not my hat...not when I'm wearing it at least). Just wait until a few months before next season, when we hear about Leafs TV adding more 'EXCLUSIVE GAMES". That doesn't mean the game is any better on Leafs TV, no, just more cash out of your pocket.

Yours Truly,
Penniless Leaf Fan

Louis C.K.

So last night I was up late watching Night of the Living Dead, and was about to go to bed at roughly 3am when right before I turned the tv off I saw a comedian. I enjoy a good laugh so to offset the horror I figured I'd watch 2 minutes of this before bed. I watched his entire show. He was hilarious. I've never heard of Louis C.K. before but wish I had. I was literally in tears last night. I'm gonna post one of his shows here and I urge you guys to watch when you have a minute. Really funny.

This is a different show than the one I watched last night. Enjoy.

Part 1

I was gonna post all 6 parts but it seemed excessive. If you have the time, watch all 6 parts. Its great and a nice break.

Monday, February 23, 2009

weird fuckin commercials

inspired by lenny's weird-ass post, here are some of the weirdest commercials i found while wasting time on youtube in the staff room at work.

what the fuck is this sylvania commercial about? isn't sylvania an electronics company? whatever it is, it's keeping me away from south east asia:

japanese mcdonald's commercial that has nothing to do with anything. this gets two boners up though:

another crazy japanese commercial, this time for a pasta sauce made from fish eggs and mayonaise. like that's not disturbing enough, they had to include creepy kiddy music, hopping children of the corn rubber babies, and a dead (i think) little mormon girl:

this one would make david lynch proud. it includes all his favourite things: women in pain... well that's it. but still, it's fucking terrifying:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

is this real life?

changing up the pace a little from a broken glass in the rectum video to a kid high off laughing gas video.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The horror...the horror

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Alright, so I guess I should have written this before I wrote about The Walking Dead but what are you gonna do. As you can tell we are big fans of Watchmen. Its not just a movie coming out March 6th 2009 (which everyone should see...I hope), but its also quite possibly the best piece of writing I've read. Ever. In the comic book medium, there is no comparison and in literature in general (yes, literature) it holds its own with the best of them. If you ever decide to read anything, listen to something, or watch a movie we've ever suggested, pick this. This is not only our opinion on this book but the opinion of many, as this book has received critical acclaim from every critic possible. I can't stress enough. Read the book.
Author - Alan Moore
Illustrator - Dave Gibbons


So much has been said about Watchmen. Some call it the “Citizen Kane” of graphic novels. Others say the book is responsible for changing the face of modern comic books.

To date, Watchmen remains the only graphic novel to win a Hugo Award, and is also the only graphic novel to appear on Time Magazine’s 2005 list of “the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.”

Give it a Shot

Hello All,
I'm not usually one to push my personal preferences regarding reading material on others, however I am going to suggest this to you. Its not a fictional novel or a non-fictional novel covering some important aspect of life or event or anything of that nature. Its a comic book and its excellent. Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. If you liked 28 Days Later or 28 Weeks Later (and if you haven't seen these movies I also suggest you watch those too), you'll like this book. Not following the typical "zombie story" structure (if there is one), this book deals more with how fucked up the situation truly is and how it can drive people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Its a really good read, and quick to get through each book (again, its a comic book so 1 book consists of about 25 - 28 pages).

Heres a quick Wikipedia blurb about the plot:
The Walking Dead is centered around a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies. As the series progresses, the characters become more developed, and their personalities shift under the stress of a zombie apocalypse. Fighting growing despair — and occasionally each other — the group searches for a secure location which they can finally call home. The lives of these survivors will be changed forever.

Give it a shot.

Issue 1 - 45

Sunday, January 18, 2009


this is amazing.

after a terrible start roma is proving that they're still a top team in serie a. and they don't have to rely on their pocketbooks like other cheating sides, MARC!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009